SF Giants Game
We're going to watch the Giants play the Arizona Cardinals! The game will be on Wednesday, May 14, 2025, vs. Arizona at 12:45 pm.
Price: $36.00 per ticket. NO REFUNDS
Congratulations! All 21 tickets have been sold. No more tickets available, sorry.
I'll be sending out more details in a few days.
MCARE provides the bus to and from the game. The game starts at 12:45 pm and seats are located in RF Lower Box Section 104 (out of the sun).
Transportation: We have 21 passenger mini motor coach reserved by Marin Airporter.
Pick Up Location: Marin Park and Ride Lot, 2 Smith Ranch Rd., San Rafael, CA. This is a convenient location next to Hwy. 101 with easy on and off ramps from either North or South Bound 101.
We will meet at 10:30 am to load the bus. We will return to the same location around 5:00 pm to drop you off.
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Gene Pennington at President@MCAREInfo.org or at (415) 254-3839.