Luncheons are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Time: Social hour at 11:30 am - Lunch at 12:30 pm
Price: $16.00 per person
Menu :
Choice of one of these options.
1. Cheese Burger
2. Veggie Sandwich
3. Fish and Chips
4. Cobb Salad
NOTE: Sandwiches and burgers are served with French fries. Burgers are cooked medium unless specified otherwise.
Desert: Chocolate cake
Beverage service included: Iced Tea, Lemonade and water.
Speaker: Laurie Murphy, MCERA Chair

Laurie Murphy is a Senior Systems Engineer on the Digital Team in the Information Services and Technology Department. She has worked for the County of Marin since graduating with a degree in Computer Science from Sonoma State University in 2000. She was elected as a Trustee on the MCERA Board in July 2015 and has been serving as the Chair since November 2022. She currently serves on the Investment Committee, Finance and Risk Management Committee, Audit Committee, Ad Hoc Investment Consultant RFP Committee and Ad Hoc Retirement Administrator Performance Evaluation Committee.
Reservations must be made no later than Monday, August 5, 2024!
Reservations are encouraged because they help us with the head count for the restaurant.
Pay online with your credit/debit card.
Registering online is the easiest and quickest way to register!. You can pay with your credit/debit card.
Click on the "Register" button in the bottom of the box on the left to register for this luncheon and follow directions. You'll see a "pay online" button to click on to pay using your credit/debit card. You can choose to pay now or have the system give you an invoice that you can pay later.
OR Pay at the door.
Thank you for all your help and support. Any questions contact Gene Pennington, President. E-mail: - Phone: (415) 254-3839.